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Audio and Video to Cultivate Peace

(for Adults and Children)

When someone has had very difficult experiences and events that cause stress, the body learns that it has to be defensive and never relax. So the body is always tense and cannot fall asleep. This can cause headache and pain in other body parts. Other people have difficulty concentrating and can't stop worrying about everything. That is why it is very important to learn how to relax your body to reduce stress, control your worries, improve your pain, and/or sleep better.

Before you start listening to each audio, choose a number between 1 and 10 that indicates how you feel (1 = the best and 10 the worst and most stressed). After listening to the audio, choose a number again that indicates how you feel and notice how you feel better after activity. Note that some activities work better than others for different people - so try several options.


All recordings below are in English unless otherwise specified. Spanish versions of the recordings are available for all the resources if you change the language for this page to Spanish. Although, translations for recording are not equivalent, they address the same concepts.

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